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Whether you’re creating a blog, a white paper or a custom magazine, your goal is the same: You want to engage with an audience by demonstrating your expertise on a topic.
But not all content will fulfill that goal. One example: An article titled, “Why (insert your company name here) is your best source for your hardware needs” is a thinly veiled hard sell that will turn off customers and prospects. Most people won’t read it, and those who do will feel tricked.
Your content marketing should do exactly the opposite: engage readers with advice, helpful tips and new ideas that will make them want to be fiercely loyal to your company. (This is especially true with millennials: One recent study by CrowdTwist noted that a majority of millennials are loyal to companies that engage them with helpful information.)
Here’s a quick litmus test to see if the content you’re creating meets the key rules of content marketing.
Once you come up with a topic for a blog post, magazine article or white paper, ask these questions:
Let’s look at an example using these questions. If you’re in the pet industry, you might write an article for your company’s publication or website titled, “10 ways to keep your pet cool on a hot day.” Now, put yourself in a reader’s position and answer the questions.
This topic passes the test! Keep these four questions in mind next time you’re creating content marketing and you’ll be on top of the game.
Need help with your content marketing strategy? The Rufhaus team helps companies build powerful brands—and profits—in the form of magazines, guides and white papers that can live in print and digital formats, including blog posts and social media platforms. Schedule a free consultation with us today!
We invite you to reach out about partnering on upcoming projects. We are located in Holmdel New Jersey inside the Bell Works metroburb.
101 Crawfords Corner Rd. Holmdel, NJ 07733
(732) 842-4140
Media division for print and digital custom magazines
Promotional advertising division
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